The Cost of Maintaining a Beautiful Stone and Epoxy Garage Floor
Stone and Epoxy Garage Floor Maintenance
There is no question about the beauty of stone and epoxy flooring. The look has become so popular some bathrooms are even incorporating the stone and epoxy look. Beauty is only surface-deep, however. The way stone and epoxy epoxy is made makes it susceptible to mildew and mold. In addition to moisture from the elements, anything that is spilled on a stone and epoxy surface has a way of seeping into the cracks and crevices. This is in addition to what a car may drag in, or what may be brought in on everyone’s shoes.
Why Cleaning is Not the Simple Solution
This seems like an easy problem to fix. Clean the surface regularly. If you spill something, make sure to clean in between any spaces you can see. Nonetheless, if a neighbor has recently gone through the stone and epoxy experience, you perhaps may have seen that there is more to maintaining a stone and epoxy garage floor than meets the eye.
The Stone and Epoxy Cost: The Fine Print About Cleaning
Whatever flooring company you use to install a new stone and epoxy garage floor, they probably know on the front end how hard it is to maintain and clean this new beautiful surface. Many flooring companies in the market offer their own special “formulated cleaner.” This is the first clue that simple soap and water with a mop are not going to be enough to do the trick. Even more astonishing, some contracts note that if you opt out of professional yearly cleaning, at cost, you will lose the warranty on your floor. This means, to put it finely, that you can opt to pay a company a lot of money for an annual cleaning of your floor, or you can try to do it yourself but lose your warranty.
Why Stone and Epoxy Flooring Needs a Warranty
Assuming you opt to go without a warranty, what can happen? As expected, the combination of moisture, chemicals from the car, spills, and temperature changes all result in mold and mildew. The garage begins to smell bad. The added insult is the stone and epoxy flooring itself can begin to weaken and crack. Fixing damage like this is usually not something that can be done by the DIY weekend warrior. Now a company needs to be called in and repairing the damage can’t be covered by the original warranty because it is gone.
Easy to Clean, Easy to Maintain: Try OGI
The reason we can guarantee our floors for twenty or more years without the hassle of incorporating annual cleanings or a special quote section for repairs is we do not have the same issues stone and epoxy flooring epoxy creates. Our special polyaspartic epoxy flooring solution is nearly impervious to all of the obstacles that cause stone and epoxy flooring to crack and deform. Simple soap, water, and a mop does the trick on our floors. More to the point, we are fully transparent in our quotes and contracts, so if there are any specific things about your location or garage that might cause problems for the flooring, we will let you know on the front end before we do any work.
Go with the company that truly offers you a clean start that is easy to maintain for decades. Contact us today for your free consultation.